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Do You Know How to Lose Weight Correctly? Lose Fat, Not Muscle

What do you understand by losing weight? Many people believe that it is losing kilos measured by a scale ... In part it is true, but do you really think that everything goes to lose those kilos? As you will understand, it will never be the same to lose 4 kg in a month, then 10 kg. Nor will it be the same to lose weight with a healthy diet, then with another in which essential nutrients are lacking. Many times I have talked to someone about weight loss and weight loss. On several occasions, they told me that the diet was going great, that they were losing a lot of weight in a short time, and without doing any exercise. At the time I saw them again and they were the same or worse than before! And is that dear friends:

What To Eat and What Not To Improve Your Skin

In 431 BC, Hippocrates, father of medicine, said: "Let food be your remedy and remedy, your food," advice that we follow for centuries. But, suddenly, we forgot. We begin to consume processed and fried food, tons of sugar, and a long etcetera. But it is time for us to take care of the center of our health: the stomach. Food plays an essential role in optimizing our bodily functions, as it helps our systems and organs to fight disease and preserve our health. Many studies have found a direct relationship between the imbalance of the microbiome of our digestive system (the ecosystem of both good and bad micro bacteria that inhabit our intestines) and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, mental disorders and, of course, skin disorders. The skin is the largest organ in our body, so it seems logical that if we take care of our stomach, the skin will get its benefits. Luckily, there are professionals like a surgeon and dermatologist Dendy Engelman, with patients like So...