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Five Exercises To Improve Your Male Performance In Bed!

Bodybuilding helps you build an athletic body and improve your strength. It is therefore natural that you may wonder if this can help you in a bedroom. Well, indeed, greater resistance and increased strength can be of great interest! That's why I propose 5 effective exercises to help you. It's also an opportunity to talk about the impact of sport on your sexuality and talk about this famous rumor that sex could hinder your bodybuilding progression.

Sport and sexuality

Regular and intensive physical activity can be related to the quality and frequency of an individual's intercourse. There are several explanations for this. Nerotenze First of all, and as some studies say, a man who let's go and is overweight runs the risk of facing erection problems. The influx of blood, more powerful among athletes, is undoubtedly to blame in this phenomenon. Moreover, as the muscles of a sedentary person are less trained, it may be more difficult to engage in lovemaking that last and to hold certain positions.

It's also obvious that a man with a muscular body can attract more partners, right? Of course, it depends on the tastes, but most women do not hide some interest in a well-built man. Nerotenze And men are rarely insensitive to a woman who keeps a pretty figure.

But this does not end here. Sports training produces certain hormones, such as endorphins, which have a relaxing effect. However, whether it is in the man or the woman, a more stable emotional state and a facility to relax favor a fulfilling sex life.

Exercises to improve performance

Here are 5 exercises that will improve your performance in the bedroom: 


The squat is an interesting exercise for both men and women. It is a basic exercise that is very effective for strengthening the legs but also the hips. He will be able to help you to make the movements of your antics more vigorously and will open the doors for you to new sexual positions. In addition, the solicitation of muscles imposed by the squat can slightly increase the production of testosterone, a hormone that has a strong impact on the libido.


The abdominals are fundamental muscles for getting good performance in bed. They intervene in all movements and can increase your resistance to hold certain positions. 


The sheathing is a form of specific training that uses deep muscles and stabilizing muscle fibers. Sheathing can improve both your balance and your resistance. However, sexual relations may require maintaining a position for several minutes and therefore use these two qualities.


The power and the resistance are important but one must not forget the flexibility that can be decisive to perform certain positions or simply enjoy greater comfort during the act.

Kegel Exercises

These are the same ones that stop the urination, but not only. In men, they help to delay ejaculation and, in women, they can help to intensify sensations and orgasm.

Does sex hurt bodybuilding?

Alpha Titan Testo This is not a useless question but it must be taken with tweezers. Indeed, this question brings me to a simple reflection: Should we really look into such details rather than enjoy his life as a couple? Indeed, having in mind his goals in bodybuilding is very good, but if for that you have to sacrifice a fulfilling life with his partner, it's not really worth it. Few people practice bodybuilding for the purpose of the competition. To want to control everything to the obsession is absolutely not essential, therefore.

That said, the question remains. On the hormonal side, sex will only have an insignificant impact on the practice of bodybuilding, unless you have really frequent intercourse, that is, several times a day, every day. And even then, I do not think that prevents you from progressing. You will only be more relaxed to approach your sessions Alpha Titan Testo .

On the mental side, on the other hand, abstinence can, indeed, have virtues. It develops a certain tension and therefore the aggressiveness that can be involved in your sessions. So you can be more aggressive to lift your dumbbells if you have not had reports for some time. It is on this phenomenon that some coaches play by forbidding their athletes and players to have sex before a competition.

Yet even this impact on the mind should not prevent you from enjoying life. This will have a small impact and, if you are not a professional athlete, it does not really interest you to deprive yourself.


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