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How to Speed Up your Metabolism to Lose Weight

Accelerating our metabolism can help us lose weight and feel good about ourselves. We show you some tricks for it. Even if you have inherited your family's metabolism, you are not doomed to settle for it and live with overweight and the discomfort that entails. It is always possible to modify our metabolism and make it work with us and not against us to lose weight. The following tips help many people to accelerate metabolism, so that your body loses weight faster, healthier and more natural in less time and with less effort. 1. Eat something nutritious every day This is because breakfast gives the body energy; Best of all, it does so from low-fat sources. Then, this begins to work with the food we give and lose weight more easily. In addition, it is sensible to dine casually, since during the evening we spend several hours fasting and the body will accumulate as much fat as possible.

What You Should Do in the Gymnasium to Drop Weight

Fortunately, each person is a specific case, with their specific needs and characteristics, so there is no 'bible' that is a reference for 100% of the population. Now, we can improve our physical condition by following well-defined guidelines. Weight loss does not imply lowering of fat mass During all my years of experience as a coach I have seen how most of the people who have passed through our club came in with the idea of ​​“weight loss as a base”, and thanks to following our advice we have been eliminating this thought and we have changed to "let's forget and focus on more objective parameters". If a weight-loss implies a loss of tone and muscular efficiency, this will be totally counterproductive, which is directly linked to the next point. Strength + cardio = Goal achieved! There is a false basis that if we only do cardiovascular work (walking, running, cycling ...) But it is not like that; The time has come to step forward and change this ro...

These are Foods that Help Naturally Increase Blood Testosterone

Why Take Testosterone Levels As the years go by, testosterone levels begin to decrease although it can also happen due to an alteration in the metabolism and the endocrine system or as a result of stress or other bad habits. Preserving blood testosterone levels means keeping your functions intact and enjoying some benefits it provides, such as: Reduce fatigue and promote recovery after intense physical training, or also improve physical performance and performance. Maintain good levels of muscle mass and keep body fat at bay, because this hormone depends largely on muscle gain and over time, when their levels fall, the percentage of fat increases above all, abdominal fat.