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These are Foods that Help Naturally Increase Blood Testosterone

Why Take Testosterone Levels

As the years go by, testosterone levels begin to decrease although it can also happen due to an alteration in the metabolism and the endocrine system or as a result of stress or other bad habits.

Preserving blood testosterone levels means keeping your functions intact and enjoying some benefits it provides, such as:

Reduce fatigue and promote recovery after intense physical training, or also improve physical performance and performance.

Maintain good levels of muscle mass and keep body fat at bay, because this hormone depends largely on muscle gain and over time, when their levels fall, the percentage of fat increases above all, abdominal fat.

Maintain high libido or what is the same, sexual desire, also contributing to a healthy and active sex life because testosterone is necessary to have and sustain an erection.
Take care of bone health by allowing the preservation of its structure when testosterone levels are adequate.

Improve fertility by influencing sperm production in addition to being key to active sex life, as we said before.

Six foods to increase testosterone naturally

If you start to notice symptoms of a drop in testosterone levels or if you simply want to preserve their proportion in the body despite the passage of time, these foods can help you achieve it:

Egg: proteins are key at the moment to avoid the fall of testosterone as indicated by a study published in 2008. Because the egg white is 100% high-quality protein, we recommend its intake as part of the daily diet or, of whole egg that contains its white to stimulate the synthesis and production of testosterone.

Extra virgin olive oil: dietary fats should be sufficient for testosterone levels to be adequate as research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology concludes. The oil extra virgin olive can be a source of quality fats and provide antioxidants that could reduce cortisol also thereby favoring the production of testosterone.

Bluefish: fish with high-fat content such as herring, salmon, sardines, anchovies or tuna not only provide quality fats to the body but also proteins and vitamin D which is a nutrient that affects testosterone levels as scientists have shown Austria. Therefore nothing better than to increase consumption of such fish rich in fats and vitamin D.

Fruits and vegetables: although in some cases they offer quality proteins, the intake of various fruits and vegetables is recommended every day to obtain quality hydrates and also, antioxidants that keep cortisol levels in the body at bay, thus helping Do not reduce the production of testosterone.

Oysters and clams: they provide proteins to the body but they are also an excellent source of zinc, a mineral closely linked to the production of testosterone, as a study published in 2010 indicates.

Nuts and seeds: they are also a source of zinc, provide antioxidants that can reduce blood cortisol and also provide quality fats and hydrates and enough energy that is required for proper testosterone production.

With all these foods in the usual diet and performing an intense training that is the main stimulus for the production of testosterone, we can increase its levels naturally in the body and thus, enjoy its benefits on health and fitness.


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