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Foods to Avoid Feeling Heavy or Bloated, Include them in Your Diet

Surely there is some time of the year when you feel more bloated than normal. Either because the temperatures have increased because you are on vacation, you eat more and you are less active. Or simply because your metabolism has slowed.

The feeling of heaviness and swelling is not very pleasant. Apart from physical discomfort, our self-esteem can lower us, since the image we have of ourselves is affected.

As it is not a dish of good taste for anyone, we have prepared a list of foods that will help us reduce this sensation and how they act in our body.

Contrary to what many people may think, in these situations eating can help us. What most people don't do, they just stop eating until it disappears, but this may not be the right thing to do.

It is better to provide the body with food and techniques so that it disappears as soon as possible and in the most effective way. In addition, if we include these foods in our daily diet, we will eventually prevent the feeling of heaviness or swelling from reappearing.

6 foods to reduce the feeling of heaviness effectively:

Fruit: the fruit has enzymes that facilitate digestion. If we eat a piece of fruit after eating, it will help us digest the other foods better. So the abdomen will swell much less or nothing. The enzymes present in the fruit are so good because they resemble the substances that our body generates for digestion. Among the fruits that have more enzymes, we find pineapple, papaya, figs or kiwi.

Fermented foods: Not recommended for people suffering from lactose intolerance as it can cause gas. Fermented foods rich in probiotics are very good at reversing or eliminating the causes of the swollen belly. Since they favor the intestinal tract, reduce gas production, eliminate constipation and regenerate intestinal flora. But also plums, miso or sauerkraut.

Fish: when we have the sensation that weighs our belly, it is best to eat light foods that are easy to digest. Meat is often very slow to digest and increases this sensation. Fish, on the other hand, is easier to digest, and it also contains Omega-3 that acts as an anti-inflammatory.

Ginger: it is a highly recommended food as it stimulates and facilitates digestion. It also reduces stomach gas and fluid accumulation. It can be taken in many ways, it is very versatile. If we take it as an infusion, we will be drinking water, which also helps in this purpose.

Whole grains and whole grains: the fiber provided by these foods will improve our digestion. We will also avoid the gases and discomfort caused by the consumption of refined flour. All this will make us feel lighter, improve our intestinal flora and prevent constipation. We recommend the consumption of seeds, such as chia or sesame seeds.

Spices: spices can also reduce the formation and accumulation of gases, consequently, the feeling of a swollen abdomen. Cinnamon is ideal, we can add it to our dessert or to the foods of the main dishes. We can also take it in the infusion.

Foods to avoid because they increase the sensation of an inflated belly:

In the same way that there are foods that can help us eliminate the feeling of the swollen belly there are others that contribute to the appearance of this effect.

Drinks with gas, for obvious reasons, if we have gases and ingest more, they will accumulate.

Foods with chemical sweeteners are worse than natural sugars.

Dairy products often cause difficult digestion especially if you are intolerant, as we have said before and favored the appearance of gases.

They can make digestion worse and cause gas.

Tips for not feeling heavy:

Eat raw food: eating fresh fruit and vegetables, without cooking, allows us to eat more nutrients that favor our digestion.

Drink a lot of water: water helps cleanse the body and reduce swelling. It will help us eliminate liquids and toxins. Ideally, drink 2 liters a day. This ensures that the body has the hydration it needs throughout the day.

Cook food in the simplest way: sometimes less, it is more. Preparing fried, battered, breaded or pout foods makes the food very heavy, therefore, difficult to digest. It is better to cook them little, steamed, grilled or baked with little oil. To make them easier to digest and do not finish meals with the feeling that our belly will explode.

Chew more food: something that we all forget and that is essential is that digestion begins in the mouth. To be as light and as fast as possible, we must chew food more and eat more slowly. If we eat more slowly, we will also reduce the amount of food, because it is often more than we need and this also helps the bloated belly to appear.

Do not eat chewing gum: chewing gum helps us to swallow air, it accumulates in the stomach and over time the sensation of a swollen belly appears.

Playing sports: exercising helps improve digestion and eliminate gas. At the end of a training session, we will feel better. The yoga exercises are ideal to reduce the feeling of inflated stomach, also will help you improve you're well - being.


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