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Exercises To Help Solve Erectile Dysfunction

Many of the causes of erectile dysfunction are related to the failure in the force of the blood circulation, in a nutshell, to low blood pressure. This is one of the reasons why exercising constantly benefits the cardiovascular movement positively and the latter to the power of erections.

Men who have a sedentary lifestyle are those who tend to suffer from these types of problems most frequently, even more in the ages between 50 and 60 years. In relatively young men, this problem is less common but it happens, in this case, it may be due to a process of diabetes or hypertension that has other non-physical treatments.

But how can an erection be improved naturally? Regardless of the type of cause that has led you to have episodes of erectile dysfunction in your life, most solutions lie in improving cardiovascular flow. Through a much cleaner fat diet and a daily exercise routine of at least 30 minutes a day you will notice a big difference (without the need for Cialis). 

Exercises to have a Better Erection

One of the most frequent myths is that exercise affects the erection, some only seek to offer you a “unique” and “magical” product that can develop side effects in your body and make your purpose go further and further: how to cure erectile dysfunction

As we know that this problem can have negative effects on your sex life, we have decided to unmask this myth and tell you that if you do not make your blood circulation have a consistent rhythm, you will not be able to improve your sexual potency.

It is then that it becomes essential to start doing cardiovascular exercises to improve the erection as a natural treatment. The good news is all the symptoms of erectile dysfunction can be reversed thanks to a program of physical activity, more specialized exercises such as Kegel exercises and food to improve male erection. 


A large percentage of men with dysfunction problems resort to pills to improve erection without knowing that they can reverse the condition with psychological work.

There are other impediments that make the penis not meet the desired performance, these can be psychological in nature such as stress or emotional processes of great difficulty.

There have also been cases in which the episodes of anxiety are those that cause lack of erection, it happens when the man is subjected to high levels of pressure to perform well in bed, a less common case but related to the problem happens in the men who have remained a long period of time without having sex.

The exercises for Psychological male impotence may vary depending on the age of the patient and the exact causes of the problem. It should be noted that they must follow up with a mental health professional who, in multiple sessions, manages to customize the solutions and carry them out in conjunction with the patient.

It is also possible to carry out a psychological exercise independently through relaxation and meditation techniques:


Men who enjoy certain skills of spirituality and concentration can take the problem into their hands and strengthen the erection thanks to relaxation techniques.

It is essential that a much more positive internal dialogue be started that helps a man improve the connection with his inner self since this will release feelings of guilt and allow for real relaxation. If you want to try to improve and increase sexual desire, take note of the following and put it into practice:

Find a room inside your house where you find better comfort and be quiet, make sure that in that room there is a sofa or bed where you can rest. Place instrumental music for concentration at a low volume level and lie down in a comfortable position. Now you should try to clear your mind of all the problems of your day to day , instead, you can practice awareness about your breathing and inhale and exhale in short intervals of time.

Ideally, you will find a moment of the day for at least 15 minutes in which you know you will not do anything and that no one will interrupt you. Repeat this routine at least three times a week to achieve a state of absolute relaxation in which your cardiovascular health is not affected by day-to-day stress.

Some benefits of relaxation:

Reduces the risk of suffering cardiovascular problems mostly caused by episodes of stress.
Exhaustion is reduced and you can rest better when sleeping.

You manage to observe the problems that overwhelm you in a more positive way, improving sexual performance and an emotional fullness that you need so much.


Doing yoga for an erection is another alternative that has efficient results in 90% of cases. Going beyond relaxation, it is good to combine elements such as concentration and control over breathing to improve blood flow in the erection. Thanks to yoga, many men have managed to feel much better about themselves (and have managed to look better).

Physical exercise

It is to improve the erection with physical exercises, in fact, it is the first thing that is recommended when the episodes of male impotence begin. The two best exercises for this purpose are the following:


Cardio workouts are the perfect ally for the improvement of blood circulation. As we mentioned earlier, the main cause of ED is a deficiency in blood supply, whether due to arterial obstruction or poor distribution of blood from the heart to the body.

Set a cardio routine so that the blood begins to circulate better in the penis, this is achieved with workouts such as jogging, walking, skipping rope or dancing. You will feel how the heartbeat intervals have a fast and slow frequency.

Exercise on the floor of the pelvis

The PC (Pubocoxygeal) muscle is located between the anus and the testicles, when it is exercised, better blood circulation is achieved throughout the area that covers the pelvis.

As a result, you will get the following:

  1. More lasting erections.
  2. More intense and prolonged orgasms.
  3. You will avoid incontinence.
  4. Ejaculation becomes more pleasant.
  5. You can have erections more than once in the day.
  6. You get ejaculated later.
This is a habit that must accompany you every day, to create it you must practice it for at least 15 days. How should you do it? Press gently on the muscle at intervals of 5 seconds and rest 3 seconds, repeat it for 10 minutes a day can be at different times of the day.


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