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I Want to Lose Weight and I Don't Know Where to Start

After giving it many laps and postponing everything possible, you have made the decision to lose weight. You may do it for aesthetics, health, or both at the same time. After all, losing weight is not just a way of looking better: overweight and obesity are decisive factors in our quality of life and can have an impact on our health in the medium and long term, from joint problems to increased risk of cardiovascular, metabolic and cancer diseases. Of course, losing weight is not always an easy task: contradictory advice, hundreds of diets and training plans, miraculous tricks, dietary products ... It is difficult to distinguish what is important and what is not. If this is your case and you don't know where to start, keep reading because here are some basic ideas that can help you. 1. The calories that come in for those that come out The first thing to keep in mind when losing weight is that there is only one trick to get it: consume fewer calories than your bo

Natural Tips To Burn Fat Day By Day!

1. Walk fast. This healthy lifestyle habit, which you should already incorporate into your routine if you have not done it, is a comfortable and simple way to play sports without being subjected to great efforts. A study carried out by the University of Sydney (Australia) and published in the 'British Journal of Sports Medicine', ensures that walking fast brings countless benefits to your health. Up to ten. ·           Improves muscle response. ·           Increase calorie intake. ·           Facilitates weight control. ·           Activates cardiac circulation. ·           Lowers cholesterol levels. ·           Lowers glucose levels. ·           Improves bowel function. ·           Improves sexual function. 2. Training in the gym. If you are thinking of joining a gym there are a number of devices that you can use to achieve your goal. Remember that burning fat and burning calories is not the same, although both concepts are directly related a